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por qué dejar propinas

Why tip

Have you ever wondered why tip? As we told you in previous posts, tipping in Spain is not as common as in other countries. If you work in front of the public or provide any kind of service, you will know that tipping is one of the most appreciated gestures. And if, on the other hand, you have never worked in this sector, or you are not sure what we are referring to, in today’s post we will tell you all about this gesture.

Why tip: all that it entails

Tipping is often something that even annoys the customer. Why tip?, they ask. The main argument is that they are already paying for the dishes and the service. There are also restaurants and other types of businesses that introduce a small amount under the description table service and the like.

But the truth is that tipping is something that goes far beyond the amount itself. At Tipeame we promote the tipping culture, supporting this practice by providing solutions in a convenient, quick and practical way.

If you want to know why it is important to tip, here is a list.

  • It becomes a real bonus for workers. In addition, it is often distributed among the waiters, cooks and other staff.
  • It is a great way of valuing the work of the people who have served you.
  • It serves to measure the customer satisfaction rate towards the staff.
  • It is a great incentive for the workers.

And of course, these are only the most general aspects. Tipping is a fundamental issue for workers, and as such, should be considered by customers.

Now you can understand why tipping is such an important issue. But does tipping work the same everywhere, we tell you!

por qué dejar propina es importante

Tipping in restaurants

This is probably the area where Spaniards feel most comfortable tipping. In general, these tips are distributed among colleagues so that they are not only enjoyed by waiters or bar staff, but also by those who work in the kitchen or as head waiters.

When we give tips in a restaurant it can be for various reasons: the friendliness of the staff, the quality of the dishes, the value for money, the overall experience… These types of tips are usually given in cash. Until the arrival of Tipeame.

Tipping delivery drivers

Delivery drivers are also often tipped, but this has been reduced over time. The advent of delivery apps has meant that the amount is paid in advance, which means that many delivery drivers miss out on this tipping opportunity.

We must not forget that delivery drivers come to our homes whether it is windy, cold or even raining. They often come by motorbike and have a specific delivery time. Considering the number of factors they are exposed to, a tip seems more symbolic than monetary.

Tipping on cruises

Tipping on cruises is mandatory in many cases. The amount of the gratuity is daily and users who decide to sail should know that in many cases they can choose between charging it to their account on board or paying it along with the trip. In this second way, users will not have to carry their wallet from one place to another as they walk around the ship.

The advantage of the tipping system being systematised is that all the ship’s workers will get a fair tip of their own. The disadvantage, on the other hand, is that there are professions on the ship that are more likely to get tips than others. The most obvious example is the entertainers. They would probably get more tips directly.

Tipping in hotels

Tipping in hotels often leads to more confusion. Who does the tip go to? Most commonly, it is distributed internally between departments. Here there is a great divide when it comes to tipping. These are the departments that tend to receive the most tips.

  • Restaurants and bars
  • Reception
  • Room cleaning service

Tipeame: your tipping app

If you already have an idea of why tipping is important as a customer, let us remind you what Tipeame is for. Our app will help you tip without having to depend on whether or not you’re carrying cash. If the establishment in question works with us, all you need to do is for the employee in question to provide you with their QR code, and the tip will arrive instantly and directly to their account, isn’t that great?

If you want to find out all about tipping in Spain, stay tuned for more posts.

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