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cómo dejar propina en un hotel

How to tip in a hotel

The question of how to leave a tip in a hotel is being asked more and more every day. With the arrival of summer and the new normality, tourism has grown exponentially. More and more people are deciding to look for a new destination where they can spend their holidays and escape from routine. In fact, there are many reports that hotel occupancy in summer is reaching its maximum capacity. And consequently, there are a large number of workers in the service sector working to make sure we have a great summer.  From Tipeame we defend and praise the work of all of them. And as we told you in previous posts, tipping is one of the great ways to recognise their work. So if you are going to a hotel and you want to leave a tip but you don’t know how, here we explain it to you.

Tips on how to tip in a hotel

Unless you’re staying in a city hotel with only a few rooms and the staff can be counted on the fingers of one hand, tipping in a hotel can be confusing. After all, there are many departments that make it possible for you to have a wonderful holiday.

In hotels, tips are often distributed, but not on a global level. After all, this is logical, as there are many people on the payroll. Thus, tips are usually distributed by department. The workers in that department may enjoy a larger share in the final distribution. But of course, this depends on each hotel and establishment. So with this in mind, here are some tips for tipping in a hotel.

Leave it in the room for the chambermaids

This is the most common thing to do in these cases. If you are particularly pleased with the cleanliness of your room, it is a detail that will be appreciated more than you think. Some people leave a small note and specify to whom the tip is intended, along with a message of thanks.

Go to the reception if you want to leave a tip when you leave the hotel

Reception is often one of the most tipped departments, as are gardeners, technical staff and so on. A common misconception is that tipping the front desk is tipping the entire resort. Tipping, in this case, would be split between reception and reservations, as they often rotate between these positions (front office and back office).

The hotel restaurant works like any other restaurant

That’s it! So if you are used to tipping in restaurants and/or bars, it works exactly the same here. The waiter in question will put it in the tip jar or keep it for you, depending on what the venue has set up.

How to tip a single worker at the hotel

There are times when we are very satisfied with the work of a specific employee from a specific department: entertainment, maintenance, cleaning… For this kind of cases you can go directly to that person and specify that you want them to keep it. Depending on the hotel, the worker and the dynamics, you will have to share them or not with the rest.

At Tipeame we work to encourage tipping. We want every worker to be able to have their tip in their account instantly, without having to wait for deliveries or anything else. Something as simple as scanning a QR generated for the worker and indicating the amount you want to give. And that’s it!

Of course, the hotel must have Tipeame for this. So if you are an employee and you are interested in this system, we recommend that you let your managers know so that they can contact us and we will answer any questions they may have!

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