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Personal data protection

  1. In the development and execution of the contract for the provision of professional services to which this document is annexed (the “Contract”), the parties may exchange confidential information between them containing personal data, and therefore agree to treat confidentially and in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“RGPD”) and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights and its implementing regulations, all information exchanged as a result of the execution of the Contract that relates to third parties and is considered personal data.
  2. In the event that, for the performance of its services under the Contract, the service provider processes, as data processor, personal data for which TIPEAME, S.L. (the “Company“) is the data controller or data processor, the parties shall enter into the appropriate data processing contract, in accordance with the provisions of Article 28 of the GDPR, which the service provider undertakes to faithfully comply with.
  3. When, for the performance of its services under the Agreement, the Service Provider is not required to have access to personal data for which the Company is responsible or in charge of processing, the Service Provider shall not have access to such personal data. Consequently, in the event that, for any reason, the service provider should have undue access to personal data for which the Company is responsible or in charge of processing, the service provider undertakes not to use or process the data to which it may have access, to keep them secret, and not to publish them, assign them, transfer them, disseminate them, or make them available to any third party in any way or medium, under any circumstances, and to follow the instructions of the Company in this regard.
  4. In the event of any breach of the obligations assumed by the service provider with respect to data protection pursuant to the foregoing, the service provider shall hold the Company harmless from any liability to the Company arising from such breach, including, without limitation, any administrative, civil, or other liability..
  5. On the other hand, each of the parties to the Agreement, whose identification data and contact address appear in its header, acting independently as data controller, will process the personal data contained in the Agreement relating to the natural persons acting on behalf of the other parties or intervening on their own behalf.
  6. The purpose of the processing, as well as its legal basis, is the fulfillment of the rights and obligations arising from the Contract. The processing is strictly necessary for this purpose. No automated decisions that may affect the data subjects will be made. The data will be kept for the duration of the contract and for the time necessary to comply with the legal and contractual obligations related to the execution of the Contract. The data will be processed only by the parties or their authorized subcontractors and by those third parties to whom the parties are legally or contractually obliged to communicate them.
  7. Data subjects may exercise their rights to request access to their personal data, its rectification or erasure, limitation of processing, portability of their data, as well as their right to object to the processing, by sending a written communication to the party concerned at the address specified in the heading of the Contract or to the following e-mail address […].

They may also file a complaint with the competent Data Protection Authority.

  1. [Finally, please check the following box if you consent, as a professional service provider of the Company, to the capture, reproduction and dissemination of your image and your name, surname and occupation on the website or application owned by the Company, all for advertising, commercial or similar purposes, for the benefit of the Company, and exclusively in connection with its business and professional activities.

In the event that you authorize the processing of this data for these purposes, the legitimate basis will be your consent to the processing, which may be revoked at any time. Such data will be retained on the website or in the application owned by the Company for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they have been provided, and insofar as the consent given in this act by the service provider is maintained].

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