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ley de propinas en España

The Tipping Law in Spain [2022]

The Tipping Law in Spain is something that is increasingly in demand, especially in the service sector. As we already told you in the post on how much to tip in Spain, it is usual and advisable to leave a 10% tip, but there is no exact rate as in other countries. Waiters, waitresses, deliverymen, drivers and other workers who work in this sector see how tips have a strong impact on their final salary. So there are two currents: those who want regulation and those who prefer to continue enjoying the underground economy.

In this post we are going to solve some doubts related to the Spanish tipping law in 2022.

Is there a tipping law in Spain as such?

The short answer is no. There is no law as such that regulates tipping and everything related to it:

  • Relationship between customer and worker
  • Minimum and/or maximum amount
  • Forms of tipping: cash, cash, in kind…

But what does exist is the IRPF. That is to say, Personal Income Tax. Article 17.1 of Law 35/2006 states that tips must be regulated by this tax, as well as withholdings.

What would the creation of a Law on Tips imply?

Well, for starters, it would improve the working environment for many workers. When a person starts working in a restaurant or as a delivery driver, one of the first questions that comes to mind is the issue of tipping. On the Tipeame blog we try to answer them all, so that whether you are an employee or a person who wants to leave a tip, you can do so with peace of mind.

Having certainty about how tips are distributed, when and other related issues resolves a lot of disputes. It is no surprise that there are conflicts between colleagues or with the company itself over tipping. After all, it is perceived as extra remuneration or recognition for good service.

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