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¿pueden considerarse las propinas como salario?

Can tips be considered as a salary?

The question: can tips be considered as a salary? is much more common than you might think. In the vast majority of jobs related to the hospitality and service sector, tips are the order of the day. From the Tipeame blog we want to help you solve any doubts you may have related to tips. And without a doubt, this is one of them. So read on and we’ll tell you all about it below.

Are tips part of the salary?

Not at all! Tips are a variable income that is usually shared among all co-workers. A worker’s monthly salary will be reflected in his or her contract, as will the number of hours he or she is expected to work.

It is not even the same as when a worker works overtime. In this case, the extra income will be received on an individual basis. Moreover, it is usually paid at almost the same time as the salary for the month.

Important! Don’t confuse tips with commissions

In the case of commissions, these are included in the payroll and are reflected as a type of bonus. This is especially the case for sales and marketing staff, although it can also be given to other employees of the company if they obtain new clients and is regulated in the corporate protocol.

If a manager, department head or business owner tells you that tips are considered a salary, it is important to know that this is not correct. It is bad practice.

Tipeame: get more tips in your job

We have already told you what is right and what is wrong, although every business is different. However, from Tipeame we want to help workers and businesses to get an increase in tips. Hence our application, an app with which any customer can leave a tip, simply by scanning the QR provided by the worker and indicating the amount you want to add.

Easy and, above all, instantaneous. Say hello again to tips.

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